Paakspuu, V.
Ardea cinerea feeding in dry fields

Paakspuu, V.
How many birds form a flock?

Lõhmus, A.
Breeding raptors at Laeva, central Estonia, in 1991

Lelov, E.
Breeding raptors in south-western Estonia in 1991

Proover, G.
Interesting nest of Great Tit

Ots, M.
Clutch size of Hirundo rustica in Tartu district in 1986-1988

Rootsmäe, L.
Estonian ornithological literature published in 1976-1990

Elts, J.
Making an artificial nest for Asio otus

Lilleleht, V.
Birdsite register

Ots, M.
Some observations at the colonies of the Sand Martin Riparia riparia

Rootsmäe, L. (comp.)
Interesting bird observations

Lilleleht, V.
Beached bird survey

Lõhmus, A.
Why do raptors eat vegetable material?

Keskpaik, J.
The crane census in 1993

Maamägi, E.
Angry sparrows

Lilleleht, V. & Leibak, E.
Rarities in Estonia till 1989: report of the Estonian Rarities Committee(3)

EOS chronicle and news

Kuresoo, A.
Preliminary results of point counts in Estonia

Kose, M.
Surveying the present state of Panurus biarmicus in Estonia

Rootsmäe, L.
Corvus frugilegus in Tartu

Lilleleht, V. & Leibak, E.
Rarities in Estonia till 1989: report of the Estonian Rarities Committee (2)

Leito, A.
The all-Estonian count of Cygnus columbianus et cygnus in the spring of 1990

Rootsmäe, L.
Some notes by amateur ornithologists of ENS (III)

Saarela, H.
Notes on the breeding of Delichon urbica

Lelov, E.
Breeding raptors in South-Western Estonia in 1990

Elts, J.
Winter bird census notes in 1988/89 and 1989/90

Lilleleht, V. & Leibak, E.
Rarities in Estonia till 1989: report of the Estonian Rarities Committee

Edula, E.
Censusing bird fauna of a wood in Viljandi district

Elts, J.
On the nocturnal activity of Caprimulgus europaeus

Laur, T & Rootsmäe, L.
Albinotic birds

Lutsar, L.
Turdus merula started breeding in March

Mitt, H.
Observing wintering waterfowl at Sindi

Lelov, E.
Breeding raptors in south-western Estonia in 1989

Vahula, M.
On the breeding of Accipiter gentilis at Neeruti, Viru district

Elts, J.
Is it possible to census Columbia livia in winter?

Rootsmäe, L. (koost.)
Some notes by amateur ornithologists of ENS (II)

Leibak, E.
Latvian Bird Atlas published – where is ours?

Kose, M.
On the post-breeding roosting assemblies of Hirundinidae in reed-beds

Mänd, R.
Attention to bird feathers

Metsaorg-Peterson, K.
On the breeding biology of Fringilla coelebs on the basis of nest cards

Rootsmäe, L. (koost.)
Some notes by amateur ornithologists of ENS

Elts, J.
Notes on the winter bird census of 1987/88

Kuresoo, A.
The effect of the “winter” in April 1988 on the passerines

Kangur, V.
The occurrence of Falco tinnunculus near Kohtla-Järve in 1964 – 1988

Lelov, E.
About the activities of amateur ornithologists in Pärnu

Mitt, H.
Changes in the numbers of Anas platyrhynchos and Fulica atra on the Pärnu River

Lelov, E.
Breeding ecology of Aquila chrysaetos in the south-western part of Estonia

Lauk, K.
On the breeding of Corvus corax in the Pärnu region

Veromann, H.

Leivits, A., Edula, E. & Lind, I.
Has the number of the Starling diminished in Estonia?

Renno, O.
On the collection of Baltic Bird Atlas data in Estonia 1985-1987

Vienna and birds` eggs