Väli, Ü., Grosberg, J., Mellov, P., Melsas, R. & Nellis, R.
The diet composition of the goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) and its changes in Estonia
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Marja, R., Tali, T. & Elts, J.
Long-term changes in the migration phenology of Estonian cuckoos (Cuculus canorus) detected by large-scale citizen science recording schemes
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Lõhmus, A.
Breeding of the Eurasian treecreeper (Certhia familiaris) in Estonian forest landscapes
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Väli, Ü.
Monitoring the numbers of wintering birds of prey in 2014-2023 in Estonia: impact of weather and prey abundance
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Edula, E.
Nesting of cavity-nesting birds in artificial nests in 1965 and 1966
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