Elts, J.
Recording frequency of birds in winter counts
Lõhmus, A.
Data on the casulties of birds on roads
Edula, E.
Some notes about the breeding birds in the vicinity of the town of Viljandi
Rootsmäe, L. (koost.)
Interesting observations
Peterson, K.
An extraordinary density of Mute Swan
Mikk, R.
Mistake of the Sparrow Hawk
Rootsmäe, L.
Autumn migration of geese in 1991
Mikk, R.
Birds of the lakes of Tõrva and Koorküla
Mitt, H.
Breeding of Tawny Owls at Sindi
Anvelt, V.
Data on the breeding of Ficedula hypoleuca in the county of Järvamaa
Rootsmäe, L.
Albinism and melanism in Estonian birds
Jaama, K.
Peculiar nest site of a Pied Wagtail
Elts, J.
Sand Martins in a salt sand heap
Põdra, T.
Early song of Aegolius funereus
Anvelt, V.
Exeptional diet of the nestlings of the Garden Warbler