Edula, E.
Breeding of the Redwing and the Song Trush in the surroundings of Viljandi, 1969-1993
Rootsmäe, L.
Autumn migration of geese in 1994
Rootsmäe, L.
Spring migration of geese in 1995
Lepisk, A. & Leito, A.
Spring migration of geese at Räpina polder in 1997
Edula, E.
Breeding birds at sample plots in the surroundings of Viljandi in 1994
Pärnamets, H. & Lepisk, A.
Number of breeding raptors and owls in Räpina parish and Laheda plot
Aua, J.
Birds of quarries in Jõgeva county
Aua, J.
Why is the Little Ringed Plover most bound to man among Estonian Charadriiformes?
Lilleleht, V. & Lõhmus, A.
List of birds of Europe
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