Elts, J. & Marja, R.
Counts of singing male corncrakes (Crex crex) in Karula National Park during 2003 and 2004 and the effect of song playbacks on counting efficiency
Ots, M. & Paal, U.
Rarities in Estonia 2005-2006: Report of the Estonian Rarities Committee
Summary: This sixth report of the Estonian Rarities Committee covers the years 2005-2006, but some earlier records have also been included. Altogether 168 records were definitely assessed (Table 1), and 156 (93%) of these were accepted.
The records are listed in systematic order and presented chronologically. Records of birds of unclear origin, escapees from captivity, corrections and changes, records not accepted, and records formerly accepted but now rejected are listed separately from the main list of accepted records. The four numbers in brackets after species’ name (a/b – c/d) indicate (a) the total number of records before 2005, (b) the number of individuals (if possible to judge) before 2005; © the number of records in 2005-2006, (d) the number of individuals in 2005-2006. X instead of a number means unknown number of records or individuals. The details included for each record are: date(s), locality, parish (khk.), district, number of individuals (is., isend), pairs (paar), nests (pesa) etc. if more than one, sex and age (if known; a = calendar year) and name(s) of observer(s). The meaning of some Estonian terms and expressions: ja = and, läh. = near, vahel = between, jv. = lake, s. = island, laht = bay, (tõenäoliselt) sama isend = (probably) the same individual, pesitsemine = breeding. In (2004) 2005-2006, 9 new species in an apparently wild state (AERC category A) were added to Estonian list: in 2004 Stercorarius skua, in 2005 Egretta garzetta, Porzana pusilla, Calidris melanotos, Larus glaucoides, Prunella collaris and Sylvia nana, in 2006 Falco naumanni and Tryngites subruficollis. Altogether, 360 species of apparently wild state or released species which have established self-supporting breeding populations in Estonia or in neighbouring countries (i.e. categories A-C) and 5 species of unclear origin (category D) have been recorded in Estonia by 31.12.2006.
Aua, J.
Belated lapwings (Vanellus vanellus)